Spring is a time of Awakening…Renewal…Celebration!!!

It is a time when the earth reawakens from her slumber and explodes with new life.

Spring is a season filled with new beginnings.  Fresh buds begin to bloom, animals awaken and the earth seems to come to life again.  It is a time of renewed hope…cleansing our hearts…flowers appear on earth…singing of birds surround us.  This powerful act of nature symbolizes the revival of life itself.

Not only is all of this happening within nature, but it is happening within our selves.  Our souls begin to fill with this joy and happiness that was hibernating over the dark winter months.  And now our souls begins to fill with sunshine, something that simply magnifies the beauty of all that surrounds us.

In our own lives, Spring can be symbolic of starting new projects, sewing new seeds and coming forth with new ideas. This is also a time to examine health and physical well-being. A time to clean away the dreary, dark and sluggish winter blues.

Following you will find 3 Steps to “Spring-Clean” yourself.

By “Spring-Clean” I don’t mean restricting yourself to juice cleanses and detox fasts. It’s about more than that.  It’s about going back to basics with a Holistic approach that will prepare your body, mind and soul for the boost it needs to reawaken your spirit.

3 Simple Steps to “Spring-Clean” your self

1. Clean up the way you eat

  • Cut out added sugars
  • Choose colour and Introduce some raw (fruits and vegetables)
  • Hydrate: Dehydration can impact your metabolism, leave you sluggish, and can mask itself as hunger. Replace sugary lattes and pop with green or herbal tea, coconut water, maple water and make sure to load up on water-rich produce, such as lettuce, celery, and fruits.

2. Start Moving: Most of us have been hibernating over the winter months and just need to start moving.

  • Get out there and start walking. (outside, up stairs, with a dog with a friend) just start moving.
  • Dance: Feel the music through your soul and dance like no-one is watching. (while getting dressed, in the kitchen, or even waiting for the bus)
  • Not only will you feel healthy and able, this will  also help build confidence and change your mindset.

3. Be Grateful: I have often said that gratitude puts situations into perspective. It helps you realize what you have.  It helps

  • Strengthen your relationships (with others & within yourself)
  • It improves your health
  • Makes you overall happier

Start with these 3 simple steps and you will be well on your way to Spring-Clean yourself.

Just remember…Find what you love…Go out there and DO IT!!!  

Your soul will thank you for making it smile.

Stay Great,


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